Many thanks to Bazaar Kuwait for publishing my images from Unsplash. Cheers!
Many thanks to Athens voice for using my street art image. Ευχαριστώ. Cheers!
<div class="love-stickers"></div>
Many thanks to for using my image We respect your privacy. I guess AI is AIming toward absolute manipulation with humans. On the other hand it is the humans that made it. Who is going to take the responsibility? 0101011100010001. Not the AI obviously.
Many thanks to for publishing my image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. AI could never go for a walk and put stickers on the streets. And have fun with it. Machines can not learn. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. X-files. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Problem with the palm oil is huge. In my city there is a palm oil in almost every chocolate and cookie. I am wondering will this brands really do something to protect the tropical forests, primates and humans in the future or is it all about the profit? At what price?
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Future is Creative. Cheers!