Many thanks to Bazaar Kuwait for publishing my images from Unsplash. Cheers!
Many thanks to Athens voice for using my street art image. Ευχαριστώ. Cheers!
<div class="love-stickers"></div>
Many thanks to for using my image We respect your privacy. I guess AI is AIming toward absolute manipulation with humans. On the other hand it is the humans that made it. Who is going to take the responsibility? 0101011100010001. Not the AI obviously.
Many thanks to for publishing my image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. AI could never go for a walk and put stickers on the streets. And have fun with it. Machines can not learn. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. X-files. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Problem with the palm oil is huge. In my city there is a palm oil in almost every chocolate and cookie. I am wondering will this brands really do something to protect the tropical forests, primates and humans in the future or is it all about the profit? At what price?
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Future is Creative. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image for their great thoughts on the effects of mass surveillance. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to Yoast for supporting me through their diversity fund as a female speaker at WordCamp Netherlands.
Bucharest Stickerz Fest with Ellen Ripley (Alien), Phenomenon, Future is Creative, Morticia was here, Question everything on the backgrounds among other stickers. Many thanks. See and download my stickers via: Unsplash
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my artist profile. It is great to be a part of so many talented street artists around the world. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. I needed time to find a background for this sticker as well as to position myself to take a shot. I almost sit on the ground to do that. It was rather challenging and funny while people were passing by. Nevertheless, Future is Creative. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my street art image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my cat image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my image & to Palm oil Free products. Merci beaucoup.
Many thanks to for publishing my image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my images on Unsplash Editorial Feed. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my images on Unsplash Editorial Feed. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my image. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my images on Unsplash Editorial Feed. I love creating stickers and finding an interesting backgrounds in the city. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to Nancy Schoellkopf for publishing my photo on her magical story: “Becoming a Crone”. Photography is an inspiring art. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my photo on Unsplash Editorial Feed. Cheers!
Many thanks to for publishing my graffiti photo. We need to change our awareness in order to protect the Earth, because if we protect this peculiar planet, we will protect ourselves. Think about what footprint you are leaving every day?
Many thanks to for publishing my photo. Cheers!
Many thanks to Piktochart for mentioning my website on their post. Cheers!
I was a technical reviewer for the book Practical Web Design. Many thanks to Packt Publishing. Good luck and Cheers!
Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects. – Tesla
Many thanks to BBC for publishing my picture for the theme “Sorrow”.
Here are a few tips about becoming a public speaker from my own experience:
Many thanks to Creative Bloq for mentioning my website in their text: The expert guide to working from home. Yes, we should be disciplined, though from time to time we will have ups and downs since we are nowadays working in a very competitive market in web design field. Nevertheless, have a persistence (not quitting when the going gets rough), a lot of dedication and a great, great enthusiasm in what you do. Cheers!